The Design for Change Project – A Closer Look

As we come to the end of The Design for Change Project, we will take a look at the fantastic resources that have been produced as part of the project. The aim of the project was to train Adult Educators, Social Change Actors, Policy Stakeholders, and other stakeholders involved in social change to use Design Thinking principles as a standard when deciding on priority issues, determining who is affected by community problems and how, determining what solutions are possible and how they affect beneficiaries, developing ideas, and implementing projects.

The project produced the following resources:

  1. Design for Change interactive learning platform. This interactive learning platform is designed to facilitate content dissemination and foster the exchange of ideas among social change agents utilising design thinking principles.
  2. A Toolkit Guide to Design for Change. The Toolkit Guide aims to teach adults how to effect positive social change through design thinking and to give them a comprehensive set of skills and the self-assurance to do so.
  3. Design Thinking for Social Change Guide. This guide is a practical resource that helps you make real, impactful changes in your community through adult education. It offers a comprehensive range of tools that walk you through every stage of the Design Thinking process.

The resources are free and can be explored in your own time. Find out more information on the website:

We’d like to thank our project partners for their hard work and expertise on the project: European Center for Human Rights, Le Laba, European E-Learning Institute, Dramblys, Roscommon Leader Partnership, and i-strategies.

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