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About the Project

The objective of the CATALYSE project is to provide social enterprises, their communities and adult educators with the resources that will help them add to their communities' social and economic fabric and build healthier, more competitive, more inclusive communities.


Project Description

The objectives of CATALYSE are to provide social enterprises, their communities and adult education with the resources that will help them add to the social and economic fabric of their communities by way of social impact, to assist existing and future entrepreneurs to gain the skills they need to support community development and develop new and existing innovative solutions to address the entrenched social and environmental challenges they face and to scale and replicate and to build healthier, competitive more inclusive communities.

CATALYSE OERS are innovative, they 

  • Respond to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). It enables social enterprises to align, adapt, and participate in the SDG movement.
  • Frame training in the context of social economy. CATALYSE presents participants with a common framework through which they can meet increased societal expectations of more responsible business behaviour and practice, and advance commercial, environmental and social objectives.
  • Build a more holistic program using the social economy as a guide with the potential to improve environmental outcomes and enhance socio-economic impact in local communities.
  • Ensures training and support can be accessed by all (e.g., employing online measures, accessible language, and easy learning paths)


CATALYSE is developed for existing social enterprises with the capacity and ability to make a cornerstone positive impact in their communities and areas now and into the future.

  • Target Group 1 Existing and future social entrepreneurs, social start-ups; adult learners, low-skilled/qualified adults, community workers unemployed, early school leavers, disadvantaged minorities, and migrants
  • Target Group 2 Adult Education providers and those who deliver Community Services Programs (CSPs), community training, Comprehensive Schools, and Community Schools
  • Target Group 3 Social community leaders, Not for Profit, Volunteer and Community Support organisations
  • Target Group 4 Local Support Organisations, local authorities, local development organisations, socio-economic actors, regional skills authorities, and local government
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