I’m passionate about learning and experiencing as many different things as possible and have been called a “course junkie” in the past! Academic qualifications along side the BSc include certificates in: Photoshop (Adobe Expert), Mechanical Engineering, Product Design, Digital Photography and Cookery with online certs in Remote Working, Business Development, Learning Management Systems, After FX, InDesign and many more.
The latest qualification received November 2023 is a QNUK Level 3 Certificate in Mental Health at Work, a course I undertook earlier in the year on behalf of Momentum to raise awareness of mental health issues that may affect employees, especially remote workers.
I’m a father of three, born in Bournemouth, raised in Dublin and living in Leitrim since 2003. Passions outside of work include: Music (listening, playing, singing and creating), Cooking, Travel, Photography, Greenway Roller skating, Adventure and being in Nature.