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Call for Creative Communities Podcast Guests

Do you work in the creative industry? Has your career been impacted by covid? Would you like to share your story? The Creative Communities First Project would love to hear from you. This is open to anyone based in Europe, it can be a creative person, organisation or even someone involved in Higher Education.

Creative Communities First is all about helping HEI students and staff to support the creative sectors via mechanisms like service learning, the podcast is to learn more about the issues that face creative sector and to help uncover what solutions are needed and how HEI’s can help

Get in touch with our team at

The aim of the Creative Communities First Project is to produce the following resources:

IO1 – CCF DIGITAL OPEN INNOVATION AND EDUCATION PLATFORM – our high-performing digital education ecosystem which promotes and facilitates e-service learning and will enable European collaboration and international best practice between the HEI sector and creative industry communities.

IO2 – GUIDE TO THE SUSTAINABLE AND REGENERATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF EU CREATIVE ECONOMIES AND COMMUNITIES POST COVID19 – our guide will provide creative industries communities and those who support them (e.g., HEI sector) with rigorously researched, up-to-date knowledge on the impact of the COVID19 crisis on creative economies and 30 transferable solutions which can be deployed to sustainably develop and regenerate creative communities post crisis.

IO3 – HEI PEDAGOGIC FRAMEWORK AND ONLINE HACKATHON GUIDE FOR CCF E-SERVICE LEARNING – our framework and hackathon will provide a transferable and replicable model of HEI led immersive e-service learning (facilitated via the CCF DOIP and online hackathons) which has the power and potential to rejuvenate small, local, creative communities adversely impacted by the COVID19 crisis.


Find out more about the project on the website: 


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