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Digital Crossroads – Portugal Approves the ‘Right to Disconnect’ Law

With so many people working from home due to the pandemic, the lines have become quite blurred as regards to working hours. We read with interest, the new ‘Right to Disconnect’ law that was recently passed in Portugal. The law now makes it illegal for employers to contact their staff outside working hours.

Euronews goes on to explain that Portugal was the first European country to alter its remote working rules as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic in January this year. The temporary rules made remote working a mandatory option – with a few exceptions – and obliged employers to provide the necessary tools for getting the job done at home.

We think the ‘Right to Disconnect’ will be a game changer when it comes to employee wellbeing. The Digital Crossroads Project aims to design, develop and implement a new approach to train European SME managers in employee digital wellbeing.

The first tangible results of the project will be the intellectual outputs:

  • IO1: Digital Wellbeing Pathway Creator. An interactive online tool enabling SME managers to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in relation to employee digital wellbeing and to determine a suitable pathway through the subsequent learning materials (IO2). A separate version will be designed for business advisors so they can apply the tool with a larger number of clients.
  • IO2: Digital Crossroads Training Programme. A complete set of learning objectives, training materials and case studies providing SME Managers and business advisors to gain the knowledge, skills and self-belief required to implement an in-company programme to prevent employee digital overload.

Download the newsletter to find out more and visit our project website.




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