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European Youth Week 2024

European Youth Week is in full swing, and will run from 12th to the 19th of April, hosted by the European Commission, to promote youth engagement, participation and active citizenship all over Europe and beyond.

We’d like to take this opportunity to share some of our youth projects with you.

Activating Young Rural Development (ACORN) is an Erasmus+ youth project that aims to engage, empower, and inspire young people in rural areas to become active citizens, co-creators, and implementers of rural development initiatives. ACORN strives to create a more prosperous, interconnected, and strong rural Europe, particularly for rural youth.

LGBTIQ YOUTH NET is an action to combat online LGBTIQ+ hate speech by providing a fresh, and innovative YOUTH EDUCATION model. Combining digital and social skills for LGBTIQ youth, non-LGBTIQ youth, youth educators, and policymakers to help combat hate speech towards the LGBTIQ+ community.

The Youth Fit for 55 project aims to educate and empower young people about the challenges and solutions to climate change and environmental protection. The project emphasises green practices throughout its stages and encourages the development of sustainable strategies by policy makers.

Experiential Entrepreneurship Labs” (EELs) aims to enhance entrepreneurial skills and initiative in young people, especially those with disadvantages. EELs fosters critical thinking and practical problem-solving, enabling idea implementation and better equipping them with skills for labour market.

We are delighted to work on such wonderful projects, and we hope they empower young people to use their voices, and make a difference.

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