INSITES to Digital Heritage – a closer look

As we come to the end of our INSITES to Digital Cultural Heritage Project, we will take a look at the fantastic resources that have been produced as part of the project. The aim of INSITES was to increase the digital and immersive tourism skills of VET providers, business mentors and managers of cultural heritage custodians in order to create new and engaging digital cultural heritage tourism experiences for customers.

The project began during Covid-19, with many heritage and cultural experiences having to rethink the way people explore their centres. We some some fantastic ideas including virtual tours, apps, and even a museum going viral on tiktok.

The INSITES to Digital Cultural Heritage project project partners have produced a number of intellectual outputs, they are free to download, and you can study them at leisure.

 IO1 The Future – Immersive Cultural Heritage Experiences OERs, a multilingual cultural heritage tourism training pack which upskills learners in the powerful potential of digital technology to rejuvenate, preserve and grow cultural heritage tourism in Europe. Based on a Powerpoint format to give you maximum flexibilty, the resources can be freely downloaded and used as a seven module course full of multimedia, interactive content. The modules can also be adapted to the needs of any group of trainees and each one can be used independently. They will work equally well in a classroom setting, in a blended learning environment or simply as enriched digital teaching aids.

IO2 Active Peer Learning Guide  which captures inspirational case studies & best practice examples of cultural and heritage tourism businesses across Europe who have improved their digital skills and embraced technology in innovative ways to rejuvenate, preserve and grow their cultural heritage tourism business. Via a series of 20 TED Ed lessons, we invite you to Watch, Think, Dig Deeper, Discuss the problem before we finally present you with the solution via the …And Finally tab.

IO3 Digital Cultural Heritage MOOC. This multilingual MOOC offers a one-stop digital training point where cultural heritage custodians can “drop-in” & access up-to-date info, guidance & training from European digital cultural heritage experts. This flexible online learning course aims to provide innovative learning materials on digital cultural heritage tourism across Europe. It is aimed at cultural heritage custodians who would like to learn more about digital immersive experiences in the heritage sector and how to develop them. By using bite sized modules, additional learning materials, videos and case studies, we hope you will find something you love to learn.

IO4 Digital Cultural Heritage Technology Toolkit which identifies, rigorously tests and guides the use of 20+ low/no-cost digital tools with the powerful potential to rejuvenate, preserve and grow cultural heritage tourism. The types of projects this toolkit can enable you to develop include virtual reality, augmented reality, digital heritage games, digital tours, podcasts and videos. If you have a story to tell there is a low or no cost tool here that will help you to tell it and sell it digitally.

Thank you to all the project partners for their wonderful work, it’s been a pleasure. We worked with Banbridge District Enterprises Ltd, European E-learning Institute, Trabzon Ortahisar Municipality, The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI, Arctur, and Destination Makers.
To find out more about the project you can visit the website:

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