Momentum host the first ERASMI Inter-Agency Network Meeting in Ireland

Advocates of inter-agency approaches, Momentum was delighted to host the first meeting of the ERAMSI Interagency Network Ireland on 26th of February 2021 via Zoom.

ERASMI  seeks to support stakeholder groups in the field of migration and refugee inclusion work to professionalise their staff and their organisations in order to effectuate their impact on social inclusion and will empower them to build strong multi-actor networks developing and implementing regional action plans for social inclusion of migrants and refugees.

The ERASMI Inter-agency Network Meetings offer stakeholders, organisations and service providers an opportunity to share information, promote ERASMI project, its outputs and improve partnership working in the West of Ireland.

The first ERASMI Inter-Agency Network Meeting in Ireland

Overall 12 representatives from 8 organisations, got the opportunity to review and give feedback on the first outputs of this three-year project –  IO1 International best practice compendium and IO2  the Interactive Multi-Actor Inclusion Toolkit which will provide tailormade skills and practical resources needed to develop, implement and maintain successful multi-stakeholder migrant integration concepts according to the specific needs. Momentum also shared important information on how these resources could be used on the regional level in order to create a sustainable impact on the inclusion into local societies.



The participants benefitted from an open discussion about methods used to connect and network organisations in this field and overcoming challenges of COVID for networking and operating work in inclusion.

The specific objectives of the Network are to:

  • recruit participants from among the most influential and representative organizations from across the public, private, non-profit and volunteer sectors
  • enable participants to share information, knowledge and skills as part of a collaborative learning process to further improvements in the quality of the inclusion process
  • guide the participating organisations to agree on concrete actions for implementation in their region
  • encourage other regions to adopt the same approach.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006541

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