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Introducing the Creative Communities First Project

We’d like to introduce you to the Creative Communities First Project. This project has come at the perfect time as the creative industries have been struggling during the Covid 19 Pandemic. They were one of the first sectors to be hit when the lockdowns started and they are one of the last to try to get back to some kind of normality.

COVID19 has decimated the creative economy and it needs saving. Creative sectors are important in terms of their economic footprint and employment. They also spur innovation across the economy, as well as contribute to numerous other channels for positive social impact (well-being and health, education, inclusion, urban regeneration, etc.). The dynamics vary across sub-sectors, with venue-based activities and the related supply chains most affected. Policies to support firms and workers during the pandemic can be ill-adapted to the non-traditional business models and forms of employment in the sector.

The aim of the Creative Communities First Project is to produce the following resources:

IO1 – CCF DIGITAL OPEN INNOVATION AND EDUCATION PLATFORM – our high-performing digital education ecosystem which promotes and facilitates e-service learning and will enable European collaboration and international best practice between the HEI sector and creative industry communities.

IO2 – GUIDE TO THE SUSTAINABLE AND REGENERATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF EU CREATIVE ECONOMIES AND COMMUNITIES POST COVID19 – our guide will provide creative industries communities and those who support them (e.g., HEI sector) with rigorously researched, up-to-date knowledge on the impact of the COVID19 crisis on creative economies and 30 transferable solutions which can be deployed to sustainably develop and regenerate creative communities post crisis.

IO3 – HEI PEDAGOGIC FRAMEWORK AND ONLINE HACKATHON GUIDE FOR CCF E-SERVICE LEARNING – our framework and hackathon will provide a transferable and replicable model of HEI led immersive e-service learning (facilitated via the CCF DOIP and online hackathons) which has the power and potential to rejuvenate small, local, creative communities adversely impacted by the COVID19 crisis.


Find out more about the project on the website: 


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