Mind Yourself Now – The Health Empowerment Guide

We are working on the Activate Project which is promoting social prescribing across Europe to empower at risk adults to improve their health literacy and take responsibility for their own health.

Social Prescribing is a powerful, proven community mechanism to improve the physical, emotional, mental wellbeing of adults by connecting you to non-medical community-based sources of supports.

While the benefits of social prescribing are vast & the process relatively simple, social prescribing is still a relatively unknown community approach to embedding lifelong learning as a resource for living. The Activate Social Prescribing for Community Learning project seeks to promote the principle of social prescribing to adults across EU.

We are delighted to let you know that the Mind Yourself Now – Health Empowerment Guide is now available to download.

Our guide encompasses 11 vital topics that cover how to get started with social prescribing:

1. Introduction to social prescribing

2. Getting started: My mental health & wellbeing

3. Getting active to keep well: Focus on exercise, social & community engagement

4. Using our local health services

5. Eating well: The role of nutrition in health & wellbeing

6. Communication in health settings: how to speak to & understand others

7. Strong relationships, strong health

8. Using technology to communicate and learn about health

9. Using our local community resources for wellbeing

10. Keeping well: creating your own wellbeing

You can download your free guide here, or read it online. https://www.socialprescribers.eu/the-health-literacy-empowerment-guide/

To keep up to date with the lastest news you can follow the Social Media Channels:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ActivateEU

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActivateEurope


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