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Momentum Celebrates Earth Day

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Momentum, and we are proud to celebrate Earth Day, and shine a spotlight on some of our projects that focus on sustainability and the environment:

🌏SOS – Start on Sustainability, this project aims to equip micro-enterprises with the necessary tools and resources to take meaningful action towards sustainability, this will contribute to a more sustainable and resilient EU economy. More details to follow.

🌎E-coop – Providing useful resources and tools for understanding the role of energy cooperatives in energy transitions processes in rural areas and for initiating the e-coop process:

🌏EU-DARE – Proposes to develop a highly practical training course that will increase the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, specifically Agroecology:

🌍Waste2Worth -Supporting food SMEs, bioeconomy stakeholders & regional/agricultural agencies to increase awareness of the impact of food waste on the environment & economy, specifically for food SMEs. More details to follow.

🌎SDGs for HEIs – Embedding Sustainable Development Goals as a core component in higher education institutions and empowering environmentally conscious leaders.

🌏Social Impact Manager – this project proposes a complementary and innovative approach to CSR emphasising the social impact dimension of a company that intends to nurture and expand the link with its community of people and stakeholders.

🌍EARTH – aims to equip logistics companies and HEIs with the necessary tools and resources to take meaningful action towards sustainability, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient EU economy. Details to follow.

Youth fit for 55 – aiming to engage young people across Europe in the green transition and to inspire them to contribute meaningfully to a sustainable future.

Even small steps can make a difference, as we strive to support a more sustainable world.
Please let us know If you’d like to know more about any of our projects.

#EarthDay2024 #Sustainability #Erasmus #EarthDay

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