Shine – Strengthening Female Community Leaders

We are delighted to be working on the Shine Project and would like to give you a brief introduction to the project. Here at Momentum, we really believe in letting all our workers shine, we give them wings and watch them fly, achieving goals that they might never have thought possible. This is just one of the reasons that we are so passionate about Shine.

The SHINE project aims to upskill women with the knowledge and behaviours necessary to confidently and successfully transition into leadership roles in their third sector or community workplace.

There is nothing new in women being community leaders, but it’s a shame that they aren’t recognised more. We work with women every day, women that create & contribute to thousands of vibrant, visionary organisations. Even if women possess natural leadership traits, if they face social or financial challenges, they will find it difficult to develop & succeed as leaders.

In the UK & Ireland, women make up more than two thirds of the voluntary sector. However, women account for only 37% of managers, 30% of board members & 19% of senior executives. Italy faces similar disheartening statistics. Despite this particular sector valuing social justice, there is a significant gender inequality and barriers to leadership in the sector. Sweden is a gender equality role model from which we can transfer learning. Leadership education on offer is skewed towards those with higher education or reside in urban areas.

The global community is realising how critical it is for women to participate in leadership positions. The UN has cited “ensuring women’s full & effective participation & equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic & public life” as Sustainable Development Goal 5.

The SHINE project will address this by developing leadership training that is wholly responsive to needs of women from all socio-economic, ethnic & geographic backgrounds. The project aims to upskill women with the knowledge and behaviours necessary to transition into leadership roles.

We, along with the project partners, are currently working on a free training programme that will be available to all women. Until that is ready, we invite you to visit the website and find out more about this project:

You can also keep up to date with the latest news on Facebook:

Shine is an EU Erasmus+ Project bringing together partners and experts from Dungannon Enterprise Centre (DEC), Queen’s University Belfast- The William J Clinton Leadership Institute, Meridaunia Local Action Group, Momentum, European E-learning Institute (EUEI) and The European YWCA

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