The BEGIN Blockchain Project – an introduction

We’d like to introduce you to the BEGIN Blockchain Project. This project will focus on mainstreaming a new blockchain training model that enables entrepreneurship education providers to teach blockchain technology to their SME and entrepreneur learners.

Small and Medium Enterprises make up a staggering 99% of all business and create 85% of new jobs across Europe and the UK. The Begin Blockchain project will respond to the need of SMEs for training in blockchain technology in the rapidly changing business environment. This is vital for the EU is to meet its “Start-up and scale-up” initiative to help more businesses grow faster, more work must be done to teach business managers and entrepreneurs they skills they need to adapt to the digital global economy.

What is blockchain?

When you mention blockchain to most people they immediately think of crypto currency, such as bit coin, blockchain is so much more than that. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain. Each block in the chain contains a number of transactions, and every time a new transaction occurs on the blockchain, a record of that transaction is added to every participant’s ledger. Every business uses digital transactions these days so that’s one of the reason this project is so important.

The BEGIN Blockchain Project model includes three innovative resources:

    • Guide to Blockchain Skills Development for SMEs and Start-ups, a publication that introduces the importance of blockchain training for SMEs with high growth potential, illustrates this with a series of case studies examples, and educates entrepreneurship educators and VET managers on how to approach skills’ building in this field.
    • BEGIN Problem-based Learning Resources, a suite of OERs is designed for use by entrepreneurship educators in small groups or coaching scenarios. Structured around a curriculum outlining key learning objectives, resources include scenario-based learning activities and a trainers’ guide to help educators adjust to this new methodology.
    • BEGIN Online Course, a multilingual, interactive learning course in which SME managers and entrepreneurs can access training directly independently of their location or time of day.

You can download the first newsletter for the project here:

We also invite you to visit the website:

You can find the most up to date news on the Social Media channels:

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BEGIN Blockchain is an Erasmus+ project bringing together six partners from the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Estonia, The Netherlands and Spain. The overall goal of this programme is to enable entrepreneurship education providers to teach blockchain technology to their SME and entrepreneur learners.

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