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The Digital Social Impact – Hybrid Meeting

Last month the Digital Social Impact project partners met in Ljubljana, unfortunately Grace was unable to attend. In the past, it would have meant fully missing the meeting, but now thanks to all the new remote and hybrid meeting skills developed during Covid and the great technical set up by our friends in the Univerza v Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana, she was able to attend from home.

Grace shared the work she and Ivan have been doing to create a Digital Social Impact Course Configutator which will help HEI educators design a digital social impact course. Soon to go live on

The Digital Social Impact project is inspired by the potential of technology and digital pedagogies (the ways we teach online) to create social impact. It will create a step change and future proof how European universities engage with and create impact in their wider communities.

The Digital Social Impact project partners spent day one of the meeting finalising the IO1 Report and IO2 Configurator. Day two included a visit to Zavod 404 to test the I02 configurator, and the presentation of IO3.

Our Digital Social Impact Project is following a unique four phased approach which is enabling us to research, develop, implement and share high-quality digital teaching resources for HEI educators which will lead increased societal impact of HEI’s as Europe and beyond. There are four main resources we are working on:

  • Digital Social Impact Best Practice Audit
  • Digital Social Impact Course Toolkit
  • Digital Social Impact Course Configurator
  • Guidelines for Digital Social Impact Scaling Workshops

We look forward to engaging with our HEI network on this project and sharing the learning with those in Ireland and Europe who are working with to develop innovative HEI curricula and educational strategies.

You can find out more about these resources and the work of the Digital Social Impact project here:



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