The European Skills Panorama – From the Be21 Skilled Project

We are delighted to announce the publication of The European Skills Panorama, as part of the Be21 Skilled Project. This report aims at demarcating the current state of affairs with respect to the 21st century skills needs, challenges and opportunities, as well as pinpointing the challenges in current pedagogical approaches to teaching 21st century skills.

Well-rounded 21st century skills are vital in tackling an uncertain future and aiding Europe to be more resilient and respond to the challenges caused by growing globalisation, internationalisation, shift to the knowledge-based economy and rapid technological development. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduates are often reported to lack 21st century skills by employers, which in turn prevents them from innovating, developing, and adapting in uncertain, volatile times.

The European Skills Panorama surveyed employers from 29 countries and covered a number of topics, including:
– Participants’ profiles
– Performance of European Universities in developing 21st century skills
– Determining priorities for action
– 21st century skills as required by European Labour market
– 21st century skills in a nutshell

You can download your free copy of The European Skills Panorama here:

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The Project Partners for Be21 Skilled are; University of Belgrade (UB), Riga Technical University (RTU), ACEEU, Momentum and the European E-learning Institute. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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