The PLANET PULSE Kick-off Meeting: Oslo, Norway

The Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership Project, PLANET PULSE, had its kick-off meeting in Oslo, Norway, on May 22nd – 23rd, 2024, hosted by Climate Creativity. The purpose of the meeting was to establish a basis for effective collaboration and impact-driven teamwork within the PLANET PULSE Project. This 2-year project aims to address the growing issue of climate anxiety among young people by transforming their concerns into proactive community actions. With the increasing urgency of climate change, there is a critical need to empower youth with the knowledge and tools to effectively address and mitigate climate-related anxieties.

Day One: Transnational Partner Kick-off Meeting

On the first day, all partners met in the beautiful city of Oslo for our Transnational Partner Kick-off Meeting. We discussed the project as a whole and delved deeper into the specific work packages and outcomes we expect from the project.

The project team will develop a Youth-Centric Climate Awareness Guide and a Digital Climate Anxiety Self-Assessment Tool to address climate anxiety among European youth. Additionally, they will create Open Education Resources (OERs) for youth workers and educators. The project will also establish a Youth-Oriented Connect Portal featuring educational resources, climate success stories, and activism opportunities.

Day Two: Exploring Nature and Climate Education

Day two began with a pleasant stroll through the city towards the Botanical Gardens, where we engaged in climate-oriented activities. We started by walking through the gardens, looking for pieces of nature that we felt a special connection to. We retrieved these items, then sat down to discuss why we chose them, what emotions they evoked, and how we would feel if they were to disappear due to climate change. This reflective activity highlighted the importance of appreciating and protecting our natural surroundings.

After this, we visited the Climate House (Klimahuset) located within the Gardens. This exhibition space focuses on climate change and the environment, aiming to engage visitors to reflect and act for a more sustainable future through its exhibitions and events.

The project is led by Roscommon Leader Partnership (RLP) from Ireland. The consortium includes the European E-learning Institute, Climate Creativity, Momentum Marketing Services Limited, The Vision Works, and Zavod Id20.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Climate Creativity for being such wonderful hosts. Watch this space for further updates on the PLANET PULSE Project!

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