The Youth For Change Second Transnational Partner Meeting in Italy

The second transnational partner meeting of the Youth For Change Project took place in the beautiful town of Offida, Italy recently. Laura is looking after the project for Momentum and she is very grateful to i-strategies for their wonderful hospitality and excellent facilities.

Youth for Change seeks to empower young people (15-24) to become active, empowered digital citizens capable of advancing strong social change missions online. The project seeks to change the dynamic by engaging young people in the non-formal learning opportunities which build on their existing interest in social media platforms like Snapchat, Tik Tok. Youth for Change will upskill youth leaders empowering them with new knowledge and practical training resources to help young people put technology and digital stories to good use. The project addresses the needs of young people and the issues they face with regard to digital skills attainment, access to quality non-formal learning opportunities, active citizenship and employability.

The meeting gave the project partners the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking conversations, sharing valuable insights, experiences, and best practices. We are working with partners who are dedicated to making a difference, and passionate about the project and we can’t wait to see the results.

To learn more about the Youth for Change project, we invite you to visit the website at

You can also keep up to date with the social media channels:

Tik Tok



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