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Momentum hosts Teach Digital

After a very long break due to the pandemic, we were delighted to welcome the Teach Digital Project Partners to our Leitrim office for the Second Transnational Meeting of the Teach Digital Project. Teach Digital will increase the digital skills and confidence of educators working with lower-skilled women from migrant and ethnic minority backgrounds to implement appropriate learning strategies and digital tools that will make learning digital more attractive, relevant and boost their professional and personal development.


Laurence and Lola welcomed the project partners from Go-Woman! Alliance Community Interest Company (GOAL), Latvian Adult Education Association, European Network of Migrant Women, The University of Santiago de Compostela and the European E-Learning Institute.

The project was discussed and all the partners are working on the first tangible results of the project, which will be the intellectual outputs:

  • IO1 TEACH DIGITAL TOOLBOX– a publication that introduces the main tenets of andragogy for adult education to educators, including teaching strategies and case studies proven to be particularly effective in working with women from a migrant and EM background. Secondly, up to date research and case studies on the use and value of digital tools in Adult Ed incorporating a guide on 10 free tools/apps most useful for adult education, highlighting their specific strengths and appropriate andragogic strategies.
  • IO2 DIGITAL ROUTE FINDER- This interactive, online tool will present indicators of digital competences in easy-to-understand language with clear illustrations, thus helping migrant and ethnic minority women to identify their current level of digital competence in each of the five DigComp areas..
  • IO3 ESSENTIAL DIGITAL SKILLS for EMPLOYMENT OERS, will be a focused yet flexible set of OERs which adapt existing best practice in women’s andragogy for use with migrant & ethnic minority women in adult education settings. Resources will include andragogic guides to help adult educators use innovative approaches that are true to the principles of adult education (group work, experiential learning, problem centred) & ready-to-use activities which reflect migrant & ethnic women’s areas of interest, & are thus more likely to ensure higher engagement & completion rates.

We hope the partners enjoyed their visit to Leitrim and we’ll keep you updated with news from the project and we invite you to visit the website:

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