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About the Project

Bestie is the Befriending for Social and Digital Inclusion project which aims to provide a fresh and innovative model of cross-fertilization of digital and social skills for senior citizens, migrants, and young people.


Project Description

BESTIE project promotes cooperation within the community on an intergenerational basis, bringing together seniors, migrants, and young people with the help of adult educators, to overcome the digital and social exclusion of these groups, by allowing them to work together on bridging key skills. Rather than combating digital exclusion by more simply offering more digital opportunities, BESTIE combats digital exclusion by offering the most natural and socially beneficial method; community-based exchange in creating human interpersonal connections!

Project Objectives

  • BESTIE will tackle social and digital exclusion through the development of learning outcomes that attract community members to learn digital competencies in an inclusive and collaborative way.
  • Our largest digitally excluded group Seniors will acquire the digital skills for better functioning in ever ever-increasing digital world, as well as develop social ties to the community, overcoming threats of loneliness and exclusion.
  • Migrants and refugees will advance in their inclusion and integration process and secure overall well-being.
  • Youth build their communication skills, leadership and mentorship skills, acquiring a reputation as educators and community support implementors, as well as build their networks and boost their confidence.


Project Results

  • Best Practice Report showcasing 30 best practices and how to implement a peer-to-peer learning approach.
  • Intergenerational Learning Clubs a participatory method, using in-person and online networking as a basis for building intergenerational clubs as inclusive learning environments.
  • A digital competencies toolkit that provides practical guidance and tools for adult educators, to support digital transformation and to directly increase digital competencies of seniors and migrants.
  • Interactive digital learning platform an exchange platform with all project results for digital competencies knowledge and social skills development.



Lola Gonzalez

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