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INACT Inclusive Educators

About the Project

The goal of INACT is to provide educators with the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in pedagogic innovation, helping them to create inclusive, innovative and genuinely engaging learning experiences for all their students.


Project Description

The goal of INACT is to provide educators with the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in pedagogic innovation, helping them to create inclusive, innovative and genuinely engaging learning experiences for all their students.

The world is changing fast and it is vital that education keeps pace. Yet, at a time when innovation is most needed, we are lagging: only 38% of recent entrants to the education sector believe their school/college is adept at adopting innovations, new knowledge or methods (Innovating Education and Educating for Innovation, OECD, 2016.

Diversity among learners, from immigrant groups, to NEETs and disadvantaged learners, to the neurodiverse, challenges traditional one-size-fits-all teaching and exposes a distinct need for learning spaces that work for ALL students.

INACT is working to create three innovative resources:

1 “Differentiated Instruction for Inclusive Classrooms” an online course that introduces the challenges that diversity poses and upskills participants on the principles of Differentiated Instruction as a proactive means to cater for different learning needs and styles.

2 “Pedagogies for Innovative and Creative Classrooms”, a compendium of good practice sourced from participating countries and all over Europe, published in a dynamic, digital format with clear guidance on how to adopt/adapt them for each educators’ own situation.

3 “Digital toolbox for the 21st Century Classroom”, a carefully curated selection of digital tools, with actionable information which enable educators to harness technology in favour of more creative pedagogic techniques.

You can find out more about these resources and the work of the BEGIN blockchain project here:


Grace Roche

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