LGBTIQ+ Youth Net

About the Project

LGBTIQ+ Youth Net aims to have a set of new resources that will help combat anti-LGBTIQ online hate speech. This set of tools will be used by educators and youth workers to mobilize LGBTIQ+ youth to combat and identify hate speech.


Project Description

LGBTIQ YOUTH NET is an action to combat online LGBTIQ+ hate speech by providing a fresh, and innovative YOUTH EDUCATION model. Combining digital and social skills for LGBTIQ youth, non-LGBTIQ youth, youth educators, and policymakers to help combat hate speech towards the LGBTIQ+ community. This will bring inclusion, increase the capacities of youth workers, and innovate their educational programmes.

Project Objectives 

  • Increase the capacities of youth educators and workers to help combat online hate speech against the LGBTIQ+ community.
  • Conduct desk and field research on challenges and opportunities youth are experiencing within online LGBTIQ+ hate speech.
  • Upskill and empower young people to actively participate in combating online hate speech. Educators will increase their capacities to deliver in-class education and online education.
  • Ensure relevant stakeholders include young people, co-create, consult, and implement plans for combating LGBTIQ+ online hate speech.


Project Results 

  • 30 Good examples of combating online hate speech, 20+ methods, and 15+ tools identified to produce a toolkit.
  • 10 Good methods of combating LGBTIQ+ hate speech.
  • 6 modules covering important topics on combating online hate speech.
  • International 4-day Training event in France where youth and educators will receive a YOUTHPASS to record skills and competencies acquired.
  • A Seat at the Table for LGBTIQ and non-LGBTIQ youth ensures stakeholders include young people to co-create, consult, and implement plans for combating hate speech.





Lola Gonzalez

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