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About the Project

Wellhoody- Wellbeing in Diverse Youth Communities is an innovative approach that will upskill youth educators and communities in racially diverse communities to empower youth wellbeing and recognize the strengths that come from diversity. Educators will equip young people to be active citizens, encouraging them to build inclusive diverse youth communities where everyone is welcome and can participate.


Project Description

Youth well-being is one of the most important EU agendas and is at the core of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027. We know that being part of an engaging community gives us a sense of belonging. The project will enable community wellbeing through youth learning and produce wider social benefits. Youth learning rooted in utilizing the power of diversity will encourage all community members to become pursuers of mutual wellbeing while nurturing acceptance and inclusion in terms of diversity.

Project Objectives

  • Empower youth educators to motivate diverse youth groups to learn, participate, and socialize by providing a new evidence-based learning resource and approach to engage youth learners.
  • Equip youth educators to fully utilize the positive effects of diversity on youth group’s wellbeing.
  • Cultivate a supportive environment where youth from diverse backgrounds can gain confidence in new life skills around inclusion and wellbeing.
  • Facilitate collaboration through open digital access to information, learning, and build closer relationships.


Project Results

  • A Good Practice Guide that showcases the most effective and innovative approaches to youth engagement in diverse communities.
  • Open Education Resources which encourage community and youth educators to take responsibility for the wellbeing of young people. These OER’s help in recognizing and promoting the strengths and benefits that being part of a diverse community brings.
  • Wellhoody Youth Clubs a unique, engaging, modern, and participatory method, using in-person and online networking as a basis for embedding a youth wellbeing focus in diverse youth communities.
  • The Wellhoody interactive learning digital platform and online course will facilitate collaboration, promote peer-to-peer learning, and encourage cross-project fertilization.




Lola Gonzalez

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