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YEA – Erasmus+

About the Project

Young Enterprise through Arts is a dynamic project to encourage and support young entrepreneurs in the field of Cultural Creative Industries.  It will find new ways to integrate high quality entrepreneurship education into existing youth services and structures by training youth workers.


Project Description

Young Enterprise through Arts is a dynamic project to encourage and support young entrepreneurs in the field of Cultural Creative Industries.  It will find new ways to integrate high quality entrepreneurship education into existing youth services and structures by training youth workers.

To achieve this we will:

  • Establish 4 Youth Entrepreneurship through Arts REGIONAL ALLIANCES, bringing together key youth, enterprise, and social policy stakeholders to explore best practice in integrating entrepreneurship education into creative arts youth work, devising individual and collective commitments to action in a YEA ACTION PLAN;
  • Create, publish and promote the “Youth Entrepreneurship through Arts Tool kit” to encourage the creation of further Alliances across Europe.
  • Develop and publish a course curriculum and learning materials to train youth workers to effectively engage the young people they work with in entrepreneurship education.

Six project partners from the UK, Ireland, France and Malta come together to form a strong cross-sector focus.

  • Dungannon Enterprise Centre, the principal supplier of entrepreneurship education and training in South Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
  • Roscommon Leader Partnership champions responsive, local yet outward looking development initiatives which focus on improving the quality of life in Co. Roscommon for all
  • Beam Creative Network, Northern Ireland a youth work organization engaging over 100,000 young people in arts and drama programme, exploring issues such as diversity, cultural identity and conflict resolution.
  • Momentum, an accredited enterprise training centre with a specialization in online and blended learning.
  • Musique de Nuit Diffusion a cultural centre in Bordeaux working with disadvantaged youth.
  • Vismednet, a Maltese youth work organization whose programmes emphasise the validation of informal and nonformal learning.

As a result of our project:

– hundreds of young people (18 – 30 yr olds) will strengthen their entrepreneurial mindset and acquire concrete entrepreneurial skills, manifested in the development of a proposal for a cultural project or creative initiative which is innovative, sustainable and ready to attract funding.

– Enterprise providers will find new ways of engaging with hard-to-reach young people, often from disadvantaged backgrounds.

– Youth work and Creative Arts organizations will acquire key skills to integrate entrepreneurship mindset and skills as part of their services.

– Communities will experience increase in social and knowledge capital, with young people more empowered as leaders of change in general, especially those who go on to successfully implement their cultural project.

– Stakeholders in the region will understand and actively support integrated approach to ensuring high quality entrepreneurship education for more and more young people.

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Orla Casey

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