About the Project

Youth for Change seeks to empower young people (15-24 years) to become active, empowered digital citizens capable of advancing strong social change missions online.


Project Description

Technology was a saving grace for young people during the COVID19 lockdowns in Europe offering them an opportunity to escape, learn, socialise and connect. While technology is a great enabler, the current over and quite often misuse of technology by young people has been proven to be detrimental to their emotional wellbeing, mental and physical health, and many other areas of life.

Youth for Change seeks to change the dynamic by engaging young people in the non-formal learning opportunities which build on their existing interest in social media platforms like Snapchat, Tik Tok. Youth for Change will upskill youth leaders empowering them with new knowledge and practical training resources to help young people put technology and digital stories to good use. The project addresses the needs of young people and the issues they face with regard to digital skills attainment, access to quality non-formal learning opportunities, active citizenship and employability.

Across Europe, youth unemployment and disengagement is on the rise. This issue is now of crucial importance to the European Commission. It has launched a series of strategies and initiatives such as the EU Youth Strategy which seeks to ENGAGE, CONNECT and EMPOWER young people. It has also designated 2022 as the European Year of Youth. All of this comes at a time when social change has never been more urgent in Europe. Every day, we face new and increasing challenges concerned with the pandemic, poverty, financial crisis and security challenges to name a few. Youth for Change recognises the key role that young people can play as active citizens and actors of positive change in constructing better and more sustainable future for Europe.

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