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Orla Casey

Orla Casey

Founder, Innovator, Educator Multitasking Managing Director, Strategist, Optimist.
Founder of Momentum in 2003, Orla is a business graduate who completed further studies in the areas of European Law and Economics and Marketing. She is a sought-after researcher and facilitator, regeneration specialist and application writer.

Full Bio

Founder of Momentum in 2003, Orla is a business graduate who completed further studies in the areas of European Law and Economics and Marketing. She is a sought-after researcher and facilitator, regeneration specialist and application writer. Working with public and private organisations, Orla brings a clarity of thought and direction to the design and delivery of multi-million regenerative economy strategies and initiatives in Ireland.

In 2021, her work in regional development and the digital transformation of rural economies was recognised by The Innovation Value Institute (IVI) by Maynooth University and Intel. Orla received their ‘IVI Award for Regional Impact’ for her work and impact on regional ecosystems and collaborations.

Impact on regional ecosystems is part of Orla (and Momentum’s) core mission. Momentum’s very first client back in 2003 was Drumshanbo Community Council, supported by Leitrim CEB, who sought to assess the potential of a multitenant food hub to replace jobs lost through factory closure.  Orla has proudly supported The Food Hub consistently over almost 20 years of growth. It is now an award-winning social enterprise, now supporting employment of over 130 people, a formula that has been replicated now all over Europe.

Orla is very passionate about the transfer of innovation between Ireland and Europe. Over the years, she has built strategic alliances with European leaders in adult, youth, VET and higher education.

A proud Rossie now living in Co. Galway, Orla is married to Enda (with the marital name of Felle, Orla is officially a fallen woman!), and is Mam to busy twins Sadie and Paddy, a dynamic duo that keep her on her toes.

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