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Migrant Community Mediators – Helping to Empower and Inspire

The Migrant Community Mediators is a project that we are very passionate about. We can empathise with the issues that migrants face in their new homes, we know it can be extremely hard trying to fit into a new country. There are so many new rules and it is a completely different way of life to the one you may have been used to previously.

Having someone to mediate with issues that you may face can really help. The mediator can act as an arbitrator, negotiator, conciliator, go-between, intermediary, moderator, reconciler, honest broker, and liaison advocate. They can help to diffuse a situation and can provide a neutral sounding board for those who need them.

Thinking of people who may live in direct provision, there could be a language barrier for newcomers. Someone who has lived in the service for some time would be perfectly placed to become a community mediator. They would understand completely the issues that are faced and would be able to be a spokesperson between both parties. Becoming a mediator is empowering and rewarding, it is a wonderful way to give something back to the community.

MCM has a clear objective is a dynamic participatory adult education initiative to upskill and empower representatives of migrant communities to become agents for advancement in migrant integration and social inclusion as Migrant Community Mediators. MCM will respond to this need by pursuing the following objectives:

  • IO1 Migrant Community Mediators Toolkit will introduce the concept of migrant community mediation to stakeholders its ability to transform/integrate local migrant communities.
  • The ultimate goal of IO2 Migrant Community Mediators Alliances is the active inclusion of migrants to fully participate in their new societies in Sweden, France, Ireland and the Netherlands with tangible actions arising.
  • IO3 Migrant Community Mediators Open Education Resources for Adult Education Providers will encourage teachers and community educators to use a systematic approach and integrate migrant community mediation education into their organization’s activities and the training currently offered to migrant groups.
  • IO4 Migrant Community Mediators Collaborative Learning Platform is a tool primarily designed for use by migrants and migrant representative groups. A user-friendly and basic platform it will provide a place for learning as well as peer connection and networking.

You can find more details about this project including lots of free resources, on the website:

You can download The Practical Guide for the Community Mediator here:

To keep up to date with all the latest news, you can follow the Facebook page:

MCM is an EU Erasmus+ Project bringing together partners and experts from Sweden, United Kingdom, France, Ireland and the Netherlands.

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