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Smart Up – Screening for Business Health

You don’t need us to tell you what a tough year it has been for so many people, and not just for people but also for businesses.

The Smart Up project has become invaluable during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The main participants of this project are early-stage entrepreneurs and established SME owner-managers. Some people have started a new business because of the pandemic, and this project has been of help to them, it gave them a chance to look at the pitfalls of new start-ups and how to avoid some of the issues.

Smart Up provides the businesses with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and interpret the early warning signals of business crisis, and to take timely and corrective actions. This will help them to facilitate growth, or survival, in unpredictable or adverse situations.

The main outcomes the Smart Up Project hopes to achieve are to:

  • Update the professional knowledge and skills of 250+ business advisors in 180 enterprise support organizations, and 30 VET and business policy makers by creating and disseminating the Early-Stage Intervention Framework (IO1) and providing innovative digital tools to teach it (IO2, IO3).
  • Empower 30+ trainers from 20 enterprise support organizations to begin teaching this topic to early-stage entrepreneurs using the Smart up Curriculum and OERS (IO2).
  • Enable 220+ entrepreneurs to develop Early-Stage Intervention skills and apply them within their current business ventures by making the training available in an online course (IO3).

Over on the website you can download The Intervention Framework Programme. This is comprehensive document that shares up-to-date knowledge on Early Warning Signals of business crisis, presents detection and intervention opportunities, and makes a clear case for their beneficial application to SME leadership and overall business resilience.  The document has been downloaded over 200 in a short period of time and the feedback has been excellent. You can download your copy here:

To find out more about the Smart Up Project, you can visit the website:

For the latest news please visit the Facebook page:

Smart-up is an EU Erasmus+ Project bringing together partners and experts from the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Denmark and Ireland.


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