CULTURAL TOURISM: A Huge Opportunity and Growing Trend for SMEs

Cultural and Heritage Tourism sounds like a niche, but it’s something quite different! It is a huge opportunity and a rapidly growing trend in global tourism. The ROOTS Project ensures Culture & Heritage tourism SMEs grasp and run with this trend by learning how to innovatively advance their operation and compete on a global level. SMEs […]

Update from Digital Skills Accelerator Programme

Digital Skills Accelerator (DSA) enhances the quality, relevance and transferability of graduates with digital skills when they are entering a career in the digital business world. Digital Skills Accelerator (DSA) brings the graduate through a customised self-directed learning system tailoring their skills in specific identified areas. 

Countdown on to our first Momentum Mastermind Event

We would love if you/colleagues could take a little time out from your business this month and join us for a special informal and inspiring networking event (with a strong innovation and well-being theme).

Join us for the launch of our International Student Entrepreneurship Programme

I-STEP is short for International Student Entrepreneurship Programme. The project aims to enhance international entrepreneurial skills and attitude of teachers and students in VET by creating an international dimension to entrepreneurship programmes and strengthening the local and European (business) network. WHY ? A truly international curriculum benefits all students because it calls on everyone to […]

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