The INGROW Project Meeting in Sweden

The last in-person meeting of the INGROW project took place in the beautiful city Karlskrona in Sweden. The journey was quite a challenge,navigating Swedish train journeys, but Lola enjoyed meeting up with the partners again, and visiting Karlskrona, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The INGROW project aims to provide modular, flexible, and innovative […]

The Final In-person meeting of the Females in Construction (FEMCON) project

The FEMCON (Females in Construction) Project Transnational Partner Meeting took place in Madrid recently. This was a bitter sweet meeting, as it was the last in-person meeting for this project. FEMCON’s mission is to create innovative vocational education and training tools to help women working in or considering a career in the construction industry advance […]

The Final In-Person Meeting of the We Lead Project

The transnational partner meeting of the We Lead project was hosted by EUEI in Copenhagen on April 9th & 10th, 2024. This was a bittersweet meeting, as it was the last in-person meeting for this project, and Paula will miss the project partners. As we make our way towards the final stages of the We […]

Momentum Celebrates Earth Day

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Momentum, and we are proud to celebrate Earth Day, and shine a spotlight on some of our projects that focus on sustainability and the environment: 🌏SOS – Start on Sustainability, this project aims to equip micro-enterprises with the necessary tools and resources to take meaningful […]

The Surviving Digital Training Event in Athens

The Surviving Digital training event took place in Greece recently. The participants took part in training aimed to help parents and educators of children aged 0-6 gain understanding, skills and knowledge to control screen time and digital addiction. Laurence is looking after this project for Momentum, and he’d like thank IASIS for being wonderful hosts. […]

The Wellhoody Project Meeting in Germany

The Wellhoody (Wellbeing in Diverse Youth Communities) Transnational Partner Meeting took place in Germany recently. This was a bitter sweet meeting, as it was the last in-person meeting for this project. WELLHOODY is an innovative approach that will upskill YOUTH educators & communities in racially diverse communities to empower youth wellbeing & recognise strengths that […]

European Youth Week 2024

European Youth Week is in full swing, and will run from 12th to the 19th of April, hosted by the European Commission, to promote youth engagement, participation and active citizenship all over Europe and beyond. We’d like to take this opportunity to share some of our youth projects with you. Activating Young Rural Development (ACORN) […]

The E-Coop Transnational Partner Meeting in Valencia

The third transnational partner meeting of the E-coop project took place in the beautiful city of Valencia, in Spain, at the beginning of April 2024. The meeting was hosted by our project partners Consorci de la Ribera, and we thank them for being excellent hosts. The E-coop project will provide useful resources and tools for […]

MOSAIC project to develop a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Europe.

The innovation potential of start-ups by founders currently underrepresented among entrepreneurial communities is undeniable.  The MOSAIC project aims to address this and support entrepreneurs from underrepresented backgrounds. The EU Commission identified the potential of Migrant and Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs as an under-exploited source of economic growth to be addressed specifically through inclusive entrepreneurship. Yet they […]

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