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ACTIVATE Social Prescribing

About the Project

Activate Social Prescribing for Community Learning promotes the principle of social prescribing to key adult education groups across the EU.


Project Description

Activate Social Prescribing for Community Learning promotes the principle of social prescribing to key adult education groups across the EU.

As Europe emerges from Covid19, the wellbeing cost on our population is yet to be determined. Huge and overwhelming worries envelop our communities, sudden unemployment, weakened social institutions and eroded social capital. Social Prescribing is a powerful, proven community mechanism to improve the physical, emotional, mental wellbeing of adults by connecting them to non-medical community-based sources of supports. While the benefits of social prescribing are vast and the process relatively simple, social prescribing is still a relatively unknown community approach to embedding life-long learning as a resource for living.

Using a cross-sectoral, transnational approach, Activate Social Prescribing for Community Learning (ACTIVATE) promotes the principle of social prescribing to key adult education groups across the EU.

ACTIVATE is working to create key resources for the main target groups involved in the social prescribing process. These resources are:

  1. Health Literacy Empowerment Guide for Adults. A self-care guide to empower adults (particularly those suffering from poor mental health) to make sound health and wellbeing decisions and improve their personal responsibility and independence in everyday life – at home, in the community, at the workplace.
  2. Compendium of Social Prescribing Community Care Projects. A Compendium and Implementation Guide of European Social Prescribing Best Practices and Inventions e.g. Men’s Sheds, Social Farming, Community Gardening.
  3. Social Prescribing Training Programme/OERs for Health and Care Practices. An Open Education Resource Pack for to upskill Health and Care practitioners with applied knowledge to embed social prescribing in their work with vulnerable adults.
  4. Introduction to Social Prescribing Course for Social/Cultural Service educators. A training course on how to create new or tailored social /cultural adult education offerings e.g. art/creative wellbeing workshops.

You can find out more about these resources and the work of the ACTIVATE Social Prescribing project here:


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