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DARE – Diversities Reviving Enterprises

About the Project

‘DARE aims to tackle labour market shortages by promoting a more inclusive and diverse European Economy by enabling VET Professionals to train SMEs in diversity-oriented organisational development to engage marginalized and discriminated groups in a more inclusive labour market’. Employability Enterprise, SMEs and entrepreneurship Inclusion. Promoting Equality and Non-discrimination


Project Description

DARE believes there is a need for a fair, inclusive society which increases pressure on businesses to enable more inclusive working conditions. It is evident to DARE that VET educators and labour market actors face a huge responsibility to make the EU as welcoming and open a place as possible. DARE will deliver resources which will fundamentally respond to skills shortage and changing labour market across Europe, especially for SMEs. DARE will enable European SMEs to unlock previously “invisible” talent pools. It is evident European SMEs still tend to see diversity as a challenge (financially, organisationally, culturally, etc.) while we learn from Germany and Denmark differently who are somewhat ahead.

Migration is bringing an influx of new talent, coming at a time when Europe is experiencing a serious skills shortage (78% of Irish businesses struggled to fill new roles in 2021). A recent UNHCR report on Ukrainian refugees indicated that most are highly educated, willing to work, and want to contribute, but they need support to enter the European labour markets however, SMEs are not aware of the opportunity’s diversity brings and need support and upskilling opportunities to meet inclusion and participation.  

DARE will develop a new suite of resources to sensitise and upskill European SMEs (and those who train them VET educators) about the economic and ethical gains diversity and inclusion brings to small business workforces. We will help European SMEs to overcome systemic and individual biases pertaining to constructs like age, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, and sexual orientation.

A 2021 Hays Ireland survey found that only 12% of professionals believe their organisation’s workforce demographic is a fair reflection of today’s society.  

DARE will also support struggling CVET sector and related support structures with the upskilling resources they need (e.g., chambers, technology centres, etc.). DARE will help provide them with the upskilling solutions that are relevant to current and future needs (filling job shortages) and that of the economy.


DARE Newsletter

Welcome to our first DARE Newsletter where we introduce you to our project, resources, channels and our initial development phase. Join us on our journey to create and support European SMEs adopting a culture of diversity and inclusion. Our mission is to empower you and your businesses by integrating diverse perspectives, creating inclusive environments, and driving innovation through varied voices and experiences. Together, we can DARE to make a difference, reviving diversities in SMEs and building a brighter, more equitable future for all.

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