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About the Project

E-CAFE addresses some of the key areas of actions of the EU: Providing high quality learning opportunities for low-skilled/low qualified adults, supporting an entrepreneurial mindset as well as social inclusion.


Project Description

To guarantee the widest possible use, we involve adult education organisations, trainers, NGOs and support structures (incubators, chambers e.g.) in our work and enable them to professionalise themselves and their services.

Specifically, ECAFE will:

  • IO1- develop a comprehensive toolbox, which presents state of the art methods for the development of an Entrepreneurial Mindset and for business model development and designed in a supportive simple and easy to understand way
  • IO12- Establish 4 Entrepreneurship Cafes, providing a target group specific, inspiring, low-threshold learning environment and develop a blueprint handbook that enables other organisations beyond the participating partner regions to implement the methodologies
  • IO3-Develop an interactive APP working as both, content dissemination platform as well as interactive exchange and calendar/location tool, ensuring wide and free access of all produced resources.

In doing so, the project addresses the following needs of our target groups and will create sustainable impact for them:

  1. Low Qualified Adults as future entrepreneurs will develop an entrepreneurial mindset and gain the relevant knowledge to develop business ideas and implement sustainable business concepts
  2. Adult education organisations, trainers, and support structures such as chambers or incubators are put in a position to sustainably professionalise their services and increase their impact.
  3. By actively supporting potential founders in setting up their companies, we create an important impact for the regional economy. Against the background of networked value chains across the EU this will also impact the economy at national and EU level.
  4. Project partners will acquire new strategies, tools and methods for improving the effectiveness of their services. They will improve their own competences in knowledge sharing and strategic relationship building and have a clear understanding of how to sustain and grow the project in the long term.


Sanja Ivandic

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