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About the Project

New Heights for Youth Entrepreneurship is a dedicated climate smart mountain entrepreneurship programme for young people. Empowering them to participate and implement decisive action towards the rejuvenation of mountain economies through sustainable mountain tourism and economic development now and in the future.


Project Description

New Heights for Youth Entrepreneurship is a dedicated climate smart mountain entrepreneurship programme for young people. Empowering them to participative and implement decisive action towards the rejuvenation of mountain economies through sustainable mountain tourism and economic development now and in the future.

Europe’s mountain regions have contributed to shaping not only Europe’s history, society and economy, but also its climate and environment. Now under threat from issues concerning low population density, difficulty of access, economic and ecological vulnerability, there is distinctive NEED for a new approach to the environmental preservation, economic regeneration and sustainable development of mountain regions.

Mountains occupy 41.3% of European territory and are home to 25.4% of Europe’s people.

PEAK is a new approach which places young people at the heart of the process. For centuries, young people have out-migrated from Europe’s remote, high-altitude regions, a process that resulted in brain drain and the consequent social and economic destabilization of mountain communities.

PEAK is motivated to achieve the following objectives:

  • Unlock the economic potential of youth entrepreneurship and new economic niches (such as offering tours or selling added value regional products)
  • Combat and reverse depopulation by attracting young people to stay, move to – or move back to – mountain areas and become entrepreneurs.
  • Empower youth through entrepreneurship to be equal partners and torchbearers in creating and implementing goals toward environmental sustainability, which according to the World Programme of Action on Youth is crucial to youth participation in environmental preservation.

Resource Pack:

Video Showcase & Guide:

Online Educational Resources & Course:


Social Media
PEAK Facebook: 

PEAK Instagram:

PEAK TikTok:

#youngentrepreneurs #climatechange
#erasmusplus #PEAK #mountaineoustourismentrepeneurs

Laura Magan

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