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About the Project

SHINE will upskill women with the knowledge and behaviours necessary to confidently and successfully transition into leadership roles in their third sector/community workplace.


Project Description

SHINE will upskill women with the knowledge and behaviours necessary to confidently and successfully transition into leadership roles in their third sector/community workplace.

SHINE targets female staff of nonprofit sector organisations who come from disadvantaged backgrounds economically and/or have few formal qualifications, form part of a minority or immigrant community and women that can transfer these leadership skills in the private or public sector.

The global community is realising how critical it is for women to participate in leadership positions. The UN has cited “ensuring women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life” as Sustainable Development Goal 5. SHINE partners work with women every day, women that create and contribute to thousands of vibrant, visionary organisations.

SHINE will upskill women with the knowledge and behaviours necessary to confidently and successfully transition into leadership roles in their third sector /community workplace.

SHINE also targets EDUCATION PROVIDERS (VET colleges, enterprise agencies, local authorities, HEIs) who recognise the value of training future leaders in 3rd sector, but lack understanding of the macro need, their role as changemakers and the pedagogical strategies to teach others.

The immediate result of the SHINE project is the development, implementation and mainstreaming of targeted training resources to fulfil women’s potential as future leaders.

The first tangible results of the project are the intellectual outputs, which work together to address the gaps in attitudes, policy, knowledge and skills that organisations need to move towards more inclusive practices:

  • IO1: SHINE Reach and Teach VET Educators Toolkit
  • IO2: SHINE Strengthening Female Community Leaders Open Education Resources
  • IO3: SHINE Digital Transformation Best Practice Compendium

At an individual level, women develop their ‘voice’ and are confident about taking on greater challenges in their professional careers and in their communities, they understand leadership skillset and components of effective leadership in contemporary communities and identify areas of professional and civic development and they possess the practical skills to exercise leadership for positive change in their communities: problem-solving, communication, collaboration, creativity etc.


Sanja Ivandic

Lola Gonzalez

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