About the Project

Sustainable Cafe Project supports a sustainable skills mindset and social inclusion which will enable disadvantaged groups including migrants, marginalised groups, and low/semi-skilled adults to acquire knowledge and develop attitudes and skills which support the adoption of vocational skills. As a result, it will help them navigate through a business environment.


Project Description

Sustainable life skills have a substantial effect on the social environment, and business life. Soft skills include most of the important abilities such as problem-solving and the ability to work in a team. These skills are particularly important in sectors where social relation is of high importance for the delivery and quality of work. In the EU, disadvantaged groups including migrants, marginalised groups, and low/semi-skilled adults are the most vulnerable part of the community in terms of lacking a sustainable & soft skills mindset.

Sustainable Cafe toolkit and OERs (Open Educational Resources) will be introduced to provide practical guidance and resources for those wishing to establish an SLS mindset and lifelong learning concept with a focus on increasing confidence in their competencies and taking responsibility for their learning. We will follow with a Sustainable Café and Operator Handbook. These are events that are open and free to participants. The open cafes will have a friendly atmosphere, without hurdles or barriers, discussions of experiences will take place, and networking. The aim is to widen the participant’s awareness and support them to establish and achieve sustainable life skills. Group activities will set their mindset with focus activities and exercises to improve practical relevance and facilitate adaptation. A Sustainable Café mobile/tablet app will be introduced to provide infrastructure for the café operators. It will be used to post events and logistics in a calendar. This provides additional information to attract participants. It integrates maps and service options thus offering nearby café searches to support participants to join events.

As a result, Sustainable Cafe Project aims to support a sustainable skills mindset as well as social inclusion which will enable these adults to acquire knowledge, develop attitudes and skills which support the adoption of vocational skills, and as a result help them navigate through a business environment. We are empowering them to join the workforce thus having an impact on the regional economy.

Lola Gonzalez

Albie Melia

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