The Future Cast FEMCON Event in Manorhamilton, Leitrim

Future Cast hosted a wonderful event in Manorhamilton recently. The FEMCON (Empowering Women in Construction) Event took place on March 28th, in the W8 Centre. Future Cast is an Innovation, Education, and R&D centre focused on the Construction and Quarrying industries. They are also one of the partners for the FEMCON project. Lola is Momentum’s project […]

Prosper Project News

The PROSPER (Post Pandemic Empowerment Programme) aims to design, develop, and implement a new training approach which empowers SME managers to reimagine their role as remote managers and ensure remote employees balance digital productivity with wellbeing and inclusion. The Covid19 pandemic has challenged European companies to find new ways of working together while overcoming physical […]

The HeadStart Project Kick-off Meeting in Galway

The kick-off meeting of the HeadStart Project took place on March 14th and 15th, 2024. All partners (Wide & Co – Luxembourg, Inspiring Girls Portugal, EUEI – Denmark and Momentum – Ireland) were at the meeting, which took place at the recently opened Crew Digital Creative Hub in Galway. The HeadStart project aims to empower young […]

The EARTH Project kick-off meeting in Szczecin

The Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership Project “Ethical and Responsible Transportation and Handling” (EARTH) Project kick-off meeting, took place in Szczecin on February 14th – 15th, 2024. The purpose of the meeting was to establish a basis for effective collaboration and impact-driven teamwork within the EARTH Project. This 2-year project aims to equip logistics companies and HEIs […]

Official Launch of Youth for Change Free Resources

We are delighted to announce the YOUTH FOR CHANGE – Young Digital Social Change Storytellers free resources. The project aims to empower youth with the digital skills and knowledge to be innovative social change storytellers. YOUTH FOR CHANGE addresses the needs of young people and the issues they face regarding digital skills attainment, access to […]

Activating Young Rural Development (ACORN) Resources

The  ACORN – Activating Young Rural Development project aims to engage, empower, and inspire young people in rural areas to become active citizens, co-creators, and implementers of rural development initiatives. ACORN strives to create a more prosperous, interconnected, and strong rural Europe, particularly for rural youth. The overall objective of ACORN is to develop and […]

FabConnectHer project: Empowering Girls & Women in STEAM

The future of innovation is female.  So says the leaders of the FabConnectHer project,  a new project aimed at addressing the gender gap in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) fields. Funded under the Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Partnerships for Cooperation, Irish partners Momentum and Creative Spark who opened their Enterprise FabLab in 2023, […]

The DigiFABS Digital Change Agents for Food and Beverage SMEs Project Launched.

Fostering digital, resilience and innovation skills in F&B SMEs    Denise travelled to Münster in Germany recently for the first meeting of the DigiFaBs project consortium. Momentum is responsible for managing both Quality Assurance and Dissemination for this three-year project and Denise gave presentations on each as well as facilitating a workshop during the meeting. […]

Fairpreneurs – A Closer Look

The Fairpreneurs project will enable youth educators to support young entrepreneurs to start a green, fair and sustainable business in line with the SDGs by conveying entrepreneurial skills and closing knowledge gaps while at the same time raising their awareness of socially and environmentally sustainable entrepreneurship. The project team are working on the following resources: […]

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