SME Cluster Growth

SME Cluster Growth is an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project (2021-2023) to empower SMEs in the engineering sector to grow and compete. By focusing on cross-border engineering business cluster development, it enables synergies across regions, reach international markets, adopt new technologies and support mutual learning. It has been shown that localised clusters and networks are powerful […]

REVALORISE+ recognises that to date, policy-makers, research funders and university boards have prioritised pursuing the immediate returns of research valorisation through licencing and patenting of the so called ‘hard sciences’ (i.e STEM) over the more intangible, longer-term returns and social impact of activity in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). REVALORISE+ is a team of […]
Digital Social Impact

The Digital Social Impact project is inspired by the potential of technology and digital pedagogies (the ways we teach online) to create social impact. It will create a step change and future proof how European universities engage with and create impact in their wider communities. The social impact of a university is often aligned to […]
Day One in Europe

The aim of DAY 1 IN EUROPE is to develop tools enabling those involved in education to use the native languages of migrant children as a resource for all pupils, and not as a marker of difference. Communication in the native language is one of the European Union’s key competences for lifelong learning. The migration […]
Bia Innovator Campus

In 2017 Momentum completed the feasibility study for BIA Innovator Campus, a step change project transforming the food entrepreneurship landscape in the West of Ireland by realising a dynamic food and drink innovation centre creating jobs in over 40 businesses while unlocking far reaching innovation ecosystem benefits. It is the first food infrastructure project in […]