Accelerate Future HEI

Led by, University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), the ambitious project brings together twelve European partners to develop and implement acceleration services. Partners are embarking on a journey to collaboratively gain an understanding of the higher education status quo and desired future state, develop a roadmap and subsequently implement and support programs of change for HEIs through expert coaching, […]


Eco-health tourism is closely aligned with the priorities of today’s youth. It is underpinned by sustainability and how the quality of their natural environments is positively influenced by nature, culture, tourism, and protection and integrated to the benefit of their local community. Climate change and COVID have recently catapulted the need for young entrepreneurs to […]

Cultural Heritage 2.0

The cultural and creative sectors were among the most severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. A rapid push to develop new digital models of customer engagement is proving to be a challenge within the cultural heritage sector. Covid-19 has highlighted existing inequalities between larger cultural heritage organizations and smaller players with the latter having lower […]

The Housing Care Project

Today, Housing Care – Long-Term Care (LTC) for older adults in autonomous housing contexts and/or in economically sustainable residential alternatives to traditional residences for this cohort makes healthy ageing possible with the support of technologies. These technologies can lead to a change in care needs, with consequent improvement in the quality of life for older […]


IMPACT Entrepreneurship Program On Young Peoples Skills Acquisition is an online interactive digital self-assessment tool designed for young people to autonomously measure, recognise and develop their entrepreneurial skills. Young people are immediately able to recognize their existing skills and become future game-changers as they are now firmly in a position to maximise their entrepreneurial potential.  […]


Women Entrepreneurs in Regional Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (WeRin) is an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project (2021-2023). This forward-thinking initiative is passionate about increasing the share of female graduate entrepreneurs with an ambition to make entrepreneurship education and support programmes more inclusive for women. Women represent about 60% of higher education graduates, their under-representation amongst start-ups is a […]

SME Cluster Growth

SME Cluster Growth is an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project (2021-2023) to empower SMEs in the engineering sector to grow and compete. By focusing on cross-border engineering business cluster development, it enables synergies across regions, reach international markets, adopt new technologies and support mutual learning. It has been shown that localised clusters and networks are powerful […]


REVALORISE+ recognises that to date, policy-makers, research funders and university boards have prioritised pursuing the immediate returns of research valorisation through licencing and patenting of the so called ‘hard sciences’ (i.e STEM) over the more intangible, longer-term returns and social impact of activity in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). REVALORISE+ is a team of […]

Blakes Always Organic

Blakes Always Organic are a fantastic company that we love working with. Headed up by our friends Sean McGloin, John Brennan and Nav Logan, Blakes produce a range of award winning organic products including: Blakes Always Organic Feel Good Kefir, Culture Blend Coffee, Organic Chocolate and will soon be launching an Organic Cheese. What do […]

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