Ethical Food Entrepreneurship
ETHICAL FOOD ENTREPRENEURSHIP (EFE) will contribute to the professional development of food HEI & VET educators by increasing their pedagogic skills to develop and teach new food entrepreneurship supports based on triple-bottom-line businesses (planet, people, profit). We will empower a new generation of food entrepreneurs to start, grow & adopt new ethical food enterprises. Ethical […]
Vegan Food
The nutrition system of the world differs according to several factors including demographics, food origin, quality of life, culture, religion, etc. In the last 50 years, new nutrition and diet trends have frequently appeared. Veganism is one of these, but it appears to be a trend or movement that is here to stay. In the […]
Pioneering Innovative Food for Seniors
PIFS delivers on the Europe 2020 innovation strategy “with an ageing population and strong competitive pressures from globalisation, Europe’s future economic growth & jobs will increasingly have to come from innovation in products, services & business models. Innovation is the lifeblood of the food industry and is essential to ensure profitability and survival. As adults […]
Cook It Forward
The project will develop a number of practical tools to help vocational colleges and regions on their way. A teachers’ guide will equip educators with the framework they need to help their students discover culinary heritage, alongside learning materials for students. The project will also create a toolkit for food companies to help them connect […]
Bia Innovator Campus
In 2017 Momentum completed the feasibility study for BIA Innovator Campus, a step change project transforming the food entrepreneurship landscape in the West of Ireland by realising a dynamic food and drink innovation centre creating jobs in over 40 businesses while unlocking far reaching innovation ecosystem benefits. It is the first food infrastructure project in […]