Restart+ Communities – Empowering and Inspiring Community Groups

In this blog post we are going to tell you more about the Restart + Communities project. Communities were always a driving force in the localities but during Covid-19 they have proved to be the backbone of society. They have supported the vulnerable living in their areas, we have seen meals being cooked, shopping being […]

Smart Up – Screening for Business Health

You don’t need us to tell you what a tough year it has been for so many people, and not just for people but also for businesses. The Smart Up project has become invaluable during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The main participants of this project are early-stage entrepreneurs and established SME owner-managers. Some people have started […]

5 Interesting Apps and Tools for Engineering Students

With the Escola Project in mind we’ve been researching apps and websites designed for engineering students. Instead of having to carry bulky books, engineering students can now take advantage of the multiple apps and tools available.  We’ve taken a look at some of the apps and tools that might be of interest : Engineering Unit […]

Summer School with an Italian Twist

Note: This post was originally published on the Pixel Dust website on July 15th 2019. It’s summer and everyone is thinking about their next holiday destination. Should it be Spain, Portugal, Greece or Italy? If you want to get some sun, enjoy a good meal and some great wine, any of these might do the […]

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