Digital Wellbeing for Enterprises – The Digital Crossroads Project

With so many people working from home since the Covid Pandemic began we really are at a digital crossroads and this project couldn’t have come at a better time for both businesses and employees. Some employees feel like they are ‘always on’ and that they have lost their routine over the last year. This may […]

Trustworthy AI – An Introduction

We are working on the Trustworthy AI Project at the moment, this is a hugely interesting project and very relevant to the times we live in. What is artificial intelligence? In simple terms artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a computer, robot, or another machine with the ability to mimic the capabilities of a human mind. […]

The Digital Innovation Project – Helping SMES with Technology

We are living in such a fast-moving world at the moment, especially when it comes to digital technology, so the Digital Innovation Project has come at just the right time. So many businesses are relying on staying connected in what has become a digital world. So, what do we mean by Digital Innovation? According to […]

Include Her – Empowering Female Migrants in Digital Skills

We’d have been lost without digital technology during the Covid crisis. Most of our lives are now carried out online, from work zoom meetings to online shopping and communicating with friends and family. Imagine if you’d recently moved to a new country, with a new language, how would you cope? Also imagine if you were […]

Students as Digital Civic Engagers – an Introduction

We’d like to introduce you to one of our newer projects, Students as Digital Civic Engagers (Student DCE). The aim of the project is to increase the digital skills and civic engagement knowledge of HEI managers and academic staff in order to empower students to become confident civic engagers through the use of digital technologies. […]

GEM – Helping Enterprises Grow – Pilot Testing

The past couple of months have been a very busy and exciting time at Momentum. Throughout February and March 2021, we along other business coaches from across Europe have been busy putting the Erasmus+ Growing European Micro-enterprise project (GEM) to the test as they commence pilot testing of the GEM Learning Portal with the launch […]

The Eminent Project – Enabling Female Migrant Entrepreneurs

We are busy working on Eminent, this project aims at supporting female migrant entrepreneurs. We know it can be particularly hard for women  who move to a new country and to add starting a business to the mix it can become very daunting. We hope to help with this issue with the knowledge and expertise […]

Migrant Community Mediators – Helping to Empower and Inspire

The Migrant Community Mediators is a project that we are very passionate about. We can empathise with the issues that migrants face in their new homes, we know it can be extremely hard trying to fit into a new country. There are so many new rules and it is a completely different way of life […]

Restart+ Communities – Empowering and Inspiring Community Groups

In this blog post we are going to tell you more about the Restart + Communities project. Communities were always a driving force in the localities but during Covid-19 they have proved to be the backbone of society. They have supported the vulnerable living in their areas, we have seen meals being cooked, shopping being […]

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