nourish eu – Erasmus+
nourish eu is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership that will develop educational tools to assist the stimulation of Healthy & Creative Food Regions in UK/Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Ireland.
CEO – Erasmus+

Creative Entrepreneurs Online (CEO) aims to improve training for entrepreneurs in the creative sector, enabling them to harness online business models. We aim to get small creative sector entrepreneurs selling successfully online in thirty days. CEO will: Establish sustainable, cross-sector collaborative relationships between VET providers, HEIs, and wider stakeholders via the creation of 3 Regional […]
RESTART – Erasmus+

Restart Entrepreneurship is an Erasmus+ funded project which will provide training for a previously under-served and fast growing group: entrepreneurs and small business owners who, having experienced closure or bankruptcy, have the potential to establish a new, successful business. It will form 4 cross sector Regional Alliances to strengthen the use of the knowledge triangle […]
ISTEP – Erasmus+

In recent years, VET colleges have shown impressive progress in developing entrepreneurship programmes in their schools. More and more colleges have such a programme in place. And on top of that, the quality of the programmes is increasing. More and more entrepreneurship programmes are involving, competence based and aimed at active learning. Even though many […]
Apprenticeship Alliance – Erasmus+

Today when SMEs face problems related to start up, innovation & growth, they find help in an ever-evolving, well financed and proactive ecosystem of intermediary organisations: chambers of commerce, enterprise support offices in local authorities, regional economic development agencies, etc. Yet the vast majority of these organisations do not currently provide guidance and /or training […]
Taste Leitrim – Food Tourism Marketing

Conceived in 2015, Taste Leitrim is an ongoing initative from Leitrim County Council designed to put Leitrim on the Food Tourism Map of Ireland. The initiative initially brought together a multi disciplined team to include videography, food styling, branding, digital marketing and tourism route specialists. Momentum were brought on board to combine out intimate knowledge […]
Bia Innovator Campus

In 2017 Momentum completed the feasibility study for BIA Innovator Campus, a step change project transforming the food entrepreneurship landscape in the West of Ireland by realising a dynamic food and drink innovation centre creating jobs in over 40 businesses while unlocking far reaching innovation ecosystem benefits. It is the first food infrastructure project in […]
Digital Skills Accelerator – Erasmus+

Digital Skills Accelerator (DSA) enhances the quality, relevance and transferability of graduates with digital skills when they are entering a career in the digital business world. DSA brings the graduate through a customised self-directed learning system tailoring their skills in specific identified areas. It ensures a win-win situation for both the graduate and new employer […]
Women Entrepreneurs in STEM – Erasmus+

WISE has been developed with a clear goal: increase the number of female entrepreneurs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) by transforming their access to and the quality of the training they receive from entrepreneurship VET institutions. In recent years we have seen strong media coverage of tech enterprises with female CEOs and founders […]