Today, many up-and-coming tourism destinations are experiencing rapid growth directly because of their links to popular culture: television, film and music. OUTPACE harnesses the power of film induced tourism and popular culture to develop a new highly innovative pedagogy to support the acquisition of transferable, entrepreneurial and digital skills in the tourism sector. While a […]

Young Digital Social Innovators

Young Digital Social Innovators aims to empower young people to become confident social innovators making the most of digital technology available to them. To do so, YDSI will modernise youth work curricula and practice so that digital social innovation (DSI) can be taught to a high standard across a wide range of youth  serving organisations. […]

Navigating Tourism Crisis Recovery

T-CRISIS-NAV will enable HEIs to educate existing SMEs and future entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to gain the skills and tools needed to successfully navigate their business through a virulent crisis. The Navigating Tourism Crisis Recovery Erasmus project will build on our existing knowledge with regard to crisis management, turnaround, curricula development and innovative learning […]

Better Futures

Better Futures – Enabling Young Refugee Entrepreneurs aims to facilitate the empowerment of young refugees and asylum seekers, to achieve economic independence and further their social integration by becoming successful entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship education and subsequent business creation has enormous potential as a route to social integration and financial autonomy for young refugees and asylum seekers. It […]

Cook It Forward

The project will develop a number of practical tools to help vocational colleges and regions on their way. A teachers’ guide will equip educators with the framework they need to help their students discover culinary heritage, alongside learning materials for students. The project will also create a toolkit for food companies to help them connect […]

BEGIN Blockchain

Blockchain technology is one of the biggest innovations of the 21st century and it has had a ripple effect on various sectors, from financial to manufacturing as well as education. Unknown to many, is that the history of Blockchain dates back to the early 1990s. Over the last 30 years, Blockchain technologies and the infrastructure […]

CSR Ready

SMEs have an undisputed significance in driving Europe’s economic growth, accounting for 85% of new jobs and 66% of private sector employment. However, this economic importance is also reflected in Europe’s ecological and social footprint – unfortunately however with less positive indicators. According to current research on CSR, it is still an area that many […]

Escape 2

Supporting the Development of Transnational Thematic Tourism. ESCAPE 2 focuses on developing a Transnational Thematic Tourism Strategy integrating natural culture and heritage in the rural tourism sector for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. The ESCAPE Project partners span across Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Slovakia, Ireland, Romania, Portugal and Greece to ensure inclusive representation of rural regions […]

Include Her

INCLUDE HER is increasing the digital skills of HEI managers and academic staff to implement an innovative approach to empower female migrants in higher education to attain higher levels of digital skills, with the aim to redress the gender imbalance in the digital sphere. The digital gender gap is most acute among migrant/refugees who, as […]

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