Sustainable Life Skills Cafe

Sustainable life skills have a substantial effect on the social environment, and business life. Soft skills include most of the important abilities such as problem-solving and the ability to work in a team. These skills are particularly important in sectors where social relation is of high importance for the delivery and quality of work. In […]


The Covid-19 pandemic brought with it a series of challenges. One of these included the effect it took on women and their work-life balance. Research has found that there has been a drastic increase in rates of women’s stress and mental health concerns, however there is little practical support available on how to prevent it. […]


eWBL seeks to boost the work readiness and employability of graduates. The project will specifically focus on how work-based learning competences could be fostered in the absence of a physical environment. As the work environment is increasingly shifting to online and hybrid formats, ways of making work-based learning effective in this new environment has become […]

SECure – SME Early Crisis Toolkit

Both young and long-established companies are exposed to a constant risk of crisis. And we certainly have had more than our share of crisis in recent times. External (e.g. Covid 19, Brexit) or internal causes can be decisive: declining demand, delayed adjustments to the company structure and bad debts are just a few examples of […]

Youth for Change

Technology was a saving grace for young people during the COVID19 lockdowns in Europe offering them an opportunity to escape, learn, socialise and connect. While technology is a great enabler, the current over and quite often misuse of technology by young people has been proven to be detrimental to their emotional wellbeing, mental and physical […]

Dark Sky Ecotourism

Dark Sky Ecotourism is an innovative vocational education project which seeks to produce a rise in the number of remote, rural European tourism businesses which develop innovative products and services based on the opportunities afforded by Dark Sky Ecotourism. The project partners involved are committed to sustainability – economic, social, and environmental and are passionate […]

Creative Communities First

COVID19 decimated the creative economy and in recent years it has needed saving. The creative industries add hundreds of millions of euros to European economies but during the COVID19 pandemic, due to restrictions and the social distancing paradigm thousands of creative collectives lost ways to promote and sell their work. At the same time, at […]

The Housing Care Project

Today, Housing Care – Long-Term Care (LTC) for older adults in autonomous housing contexts and/or in economically sustainable residential alternatives to traditional residences for this cohort makes healthy ageing possible with the support of technologies. These technologies can lead to a change in care needs, with consequent improvement in the quality of life for older […]

Climate Champions

The Climate Champions project provides biodiversity-focused communities at the local and national level with the means and tools to educate and build themselves as champions in the fight against climate change . climate change. In this way, they contribute to achieving 6 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. By participating in the project, community members and volunteers will […]

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