Engineering Education for Sustainable Futures (EESF)
The EESF project responds to the urgent need for integrating sustainability into engineering education, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4.7, which promotes education for sustainable development. Engineering students today must be equipped to address complex global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality. This project offers universities a robust framework for […]
Youth for Change
Technology was a saving grace for young people during the COVID19 lockdowns in Europe offering them an opportunity to escape, learn, socialise and connect. While technology is a great enabler, the current over and quite often misuse of technology by young people has been proven to be detrimental to their emotional wellbeing, mental and physical […]
Dark Sky Ecotourism
Dark Sky Ecotourism is an innovative vocational education project which seeks to produce a rise in the number of remote, rural European tourism businesses which develop innovative products and services based on the opportunities afforded by Dark Sky Ecotourism. The project partners involved are committed to sustainability – economic, social, and environmental and are passionate […]
Creative Communities First
COVID19 decimated the creative economy and in recent years it has needed saving. The creative industries add hundreds of millions of euros to European economies but during the COVID19 pandemic, due to restrictions and the social distancing paradigm thousands of creative collectives lost ways to promote and sell their work. At the same time, at […]
Digital Social Impact
The Digital Social Impact project is inspired by the potential of technology and digital pedagogies (the ways we teach online) to create social impact. It will create a step change and future proof how European universities engage with and create impact in their wider communities. The social impact of a university is often aligned to […]
INACT Inclusive Educators
The goal of INACT is to provide educators with the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in pedagogic innovation, helping them to create inclusive, innovative and genuinely engaging learning experiences for all their students. The world is changing fast and it is vital that education keeps pace. Yet, at a time when innovation is most […]
Insites to Digital Cultural Heritage
Insites to Digital Cultural Heritage is reimaging how we create, protect and consume digital cultural heritage. It aims to upskill those cultural heritage custodians, VET providers and business mentors with immersive digital tourism skills. Cultural heritage tourism is a vital part of Europe’s economy with 8.4 million people employed in this sector and 4 out […]
The ONE project
The ONE project’s goal is to increase the environmental knowledge and digital communication and collaboration competences of HE leaders and staff, to carry out multi-national projects successfully with only ONE transnational partner meeting. Collaboration between institutions is greater now than ever before. The rapid growth of communications technologies, the lowering costs of travel, increasing multilingualism […]
ACTIVATE Social Prescribing
Activate Social Prescribing for Community Learning promotes the principle of social prescribing to key adult education groups across the EU. As Europe emerges from Covid19, the wellbeing cost on our population is yet to be determined. Huge and overwhelming worries envelop our communities, sudden unemployment, weakened social institutions and eroded social capital. Social Prescribing is […]