DT Launch Pad

DT Launch Pad is set to enable the European Deep Tech community by creating support services, building Deep Tech talent capacity in partner universities, encouraging international knowledge exchange and providing the opportunity to initiate and sustain Deep Tech start-ups. The research project is led by Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) which is known for […]


NatAlli refers to the name Natalia, derived from the Latin word natalis, meaning ‘birthday’, ‘start’, ‘born’ or ‘sunrise’. NatAlli seeks to be the benchmark in fostering societies’ renascence through “Lifelong Learning Mentoring Programmes and Alliances”. Seven partners from four countries unite the NatAlli project team – a mentoring programme to train mentors and accompany highly […]

SIM Project

Few programmes in Europe are focused on the link between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and community development. The Social Impact Manager (SIM) project proposes a complementary and innovative approach to CSR emphasizing the social impact dimension of a company that intends to expand the link with its community of people and stakeholders. Equipped with specialised […]

Accelerate Future HEI

Led by, University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), the ambitious project brings together twelve European partners to develop and implement acceleration services. Partners are embarking on a journey to collaboratively gain an understanding of the higher education status quo and desired future state, develop a roadmap and subsequently implement and support programs of change for HEIs through expert coaching, […]


The Covid-19 pandemic brought with it a series of challenges. One of these included the effect it took on women and their work-life balance. Research has found that there has been a drastic increase in rates of women’s stress and mental health concerns, however there is little practical support available on how to prevent it. […]


eWBL seeks to boost the work readiness and employability of graduates. The project will specifically focus on how work-based learning competences could be fostered in the absence of a physical environment. As the work environment is increasingly shifting to online and hybrid formats, ways of making work-based learning effective in this new environment has become […]


REVALORISE+ recognises that to date, policy-makers, research funders and university boards have prioritised pursuing the immediate returns of research valorisation through licencing and patenting of the so called ‘hard sciences’ (i.e STEM) over the more intangible, longer-term returns and social impact of activity in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). REVALORISE+ is a team of […]

SME Cluster Growth

SME Cluster Growth is an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project (2021-2023) to empower SMEs in the engineering sector to grow and compete. By focusing on cross-border engineering business cluster development, it enables synergies across regions, reach international markets, adopt new technologies and support mutual learning. It has been shown that localised clusters and networks are powerful […]

Spanning Boundaries

Spanning Boundaries is an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project working to break down the barriers between academia and industry. It aims to empower university and business professionals to enhance their contribution in the regional economic and social development through closer engagement with each other and their environment. The need for individual ‘Boundary Spanners’ is increasingly deemed […]

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