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Category: Rural enterprise

Restart+ Communities – Empowering and Inspiring Community Groups

In this blog post we are going to tell you more about the Restart + Communities project. Communities were always a driving force in the localities but during Covid-19 they have proved to be the backbone of society. They have...

Countdown on to our first Momentum Mastermind Event

We would love if you/colleagues could take a little time out from your business this month and join us for a special informal and inspiring networking event (with a strong innovation and well-being theme).


Call out to all local food producers and growers in County Leitrim!

Local food businesses, primary producers or suppliers based in County Leitrim, we are delighted to announce that we are working on the first ever Leitrim Food Directory and Sourcing Guide and we would love you to apply to be included....

Dear New Minister for Rural Affairs

It’s not often we get political but we hope you will soon be in post and will be rearing with enthusiasm and resources to tackle the woeful neglect of our rural towns and villages.   Drive through the West of...

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