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DIGIFABS is an EU-funded Erasmus Plus Alliances for Innovation project that will foster digital, resilience, and innovation skills to optimise the management of digital transformation in food and beverage (F&B) Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SMEs). The DIGIFABS project will specifically target educators and students in F&B-related disciplines and SMEs in the...

Food Eco-Culture Edu aims to bridge theoretical education of food relationships with other subjects through practical application of innovative solutions with community and industry collaboration....

Food waste is a significant problem in the European Union (EU), with an estimated 88 million tonnes of food wasted annually. The issue not only...

Food is an important aspect of culture and identity. It can be a powerful starting point for migrant women to share their cultural heritage and...

Agri-food supply chains are complex and involve a large number of actors — from small-scale farmers, primary processors, and traders to product manufacturers, distributors, retailers,...

ETHICAL FOOD ENTREPRENEURSHIP (EFE) will contribute to the professional development of food HEI & VET educators by increasing their pedagogic skills to develop and teach...

The nutrition system of the world differs according to several factors including demographics, food origin, quality of life, culture, religion, etc. In the last 50...

PIFS delivers on the Europe 2020 innovation strategy “with an ageing population and strong competitive pressures from globalisation, Europe’s future economic growth & jobs will...

The project will develop a number of practical tools to help vocational colleges and regions on their way. A teachers’ guide will equip educators with...

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