The objective of the FORESTWELL project is to develop an innovative and sustainable teaching module in an Augmented Reality environment for Vocation Education & Training (VET) providers, VET learners and entrepreneurs in the tourism and wellness industry to develop the knowledge and skills aimed at capitalizing the latest megatrend known as forest-based wellbeing, wellness and […]

Migrants can PatENT

The PatENT project consortium believes that over time, our work in the field of entrepreneurship for migrants can be a powerful instrument not only for their employability but for the social inclusion of this target group into the community. Developing educational approaches to entrepreneurship, and particularly patent entrepreneurship among young migrants is the core of […]

EU Dare

It is no longer possible to look at food, livelihoods, health, and natural resource management separately. Addressing these complex and interdependent challenges requires embracing systems thinking through holistic approaches. EU-DARE will bring together European directives on sustainable agriculture, from the Farm to Fork strategy to the 2030 biodiversity strategy for smallholder farmers in Europe’s rural […]


The overall objective of ARENAS (Analysis of and Responses to Extremist Narratives) is to characterise, measure and understand the role of extremist narratives in discourses that have an impact on the political and social spheres, but also on the stakeholders themselves. By understanding how these narratives work, ARENAS will empower people to resist them and […]

Accelerate Future HEI

Led by, University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), the ambitious project brings together twelve European partners to develop and implement acceleration services. Partners are embarking on a journey to collaboratively gain an understanding of the higher education status quo and desired future state, develop a roadmap and subsequently implement and support programs of change for HEIs through expert coaching, […]


According to the estimates, the share of rural tourism in total tourism revenues in Europe is around 15% and shows a continuous increase. Important rural tourism activities are carried out Europe-wide such as small and medium-sized hotels, restaurants, village houses, etc. They are important and active in the rural tourism sector, especially in the form […]


Eco-health tourism is closely aligned with the priorities of today’s youth. It is underpinned by sustainability and how the quality of their natural environments is positively influenced by nature, culture, tourism, and protection and integrated to the benefit of their local community. Climate change and COVID have recently catapulted the need for young entrepreneurs to […]


New Heights for Youth Entrepreneurship is a dedicated climate smart mountain entrepreneurship programme for young people. Empowering them to participative and implement decisive action towards the rejuvenation of mountain economies through sustainable mountain tourism and economic development now and in the future. Europe’s mountain regions have contributed to shaping not only Europe’s history, society and […]


The objectives of CATALYSE are to provide social enterprises, their communities and adult education with the resources that will help them add to the social and economic fabric of their communities by way of social impact, to assist existing and future entrepreneurs to gain the skills they need to support community development and develop new and […]

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