Mission FUSION enables festivals and youth organizations to collaborate and unlock their potential for social innovation by providing them with a tailored suite of resources. These include an All You Need to Know Guide, a Reach and Teach Toolbox, Online Educational Resources as well as Alliances and Action Plans focused on social innovation at festivals. […]

IMPACT Entrepreneurship Program On Young Peoples Skills Acquisition is an online interactive digital self-assessment tool designed for young people to autonomously measure, recognise and develop their entrepreneurial skills. Young people are immediately able to recognize their existing skills and become future game-changers as they are now firmly in a position to maximise their entrepreneurial potential. […]
Escape 2

Supporting the Development of Transnational Thematic Tourism. ESCAPE 2 focuses on developing a Transnational Thematic Tourism Strategy integrating natural culture and heritage in the rural tourism sector for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. The ESCAPE Project partners span across Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Slovakia, Ireland, Romania, Portugal and Greece to ensure inclusive representation of rural regions […]
European Youth Roots

The European Youth Roots is an Erasmus+ project which promotes the involvement of young people in innovative projects in the field of participatory and sustainable tourism. The project has four key aims: Raise awareness on the theme of sustainable and inclusive tourism Develop a coherent strategy to improve and diversify the promotion of sustainable and […]
Navigating Tourism Crisis Recovery

T-CRISIS-NAV will enable HEIs to educate existing SMEs and future entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to gain the skills and tools needed to successfully navigate their business through a virulent crisis. The Navigating Tourism Crisis Recovery Erasmus project will build on our existing knowledge with regard to crisis management, turnaround, curricula development and innovative learning […]
Young Digital Social Innovators

Young Digital Social Innovators aims to empower young people to become confident social innovators making the most of digital technology available to them. To do so, YDSI will modernise youth work curricula and practice so that digital social innovation (DSI) can be taught to a high standard across a wide range of youth serving organisations. […]
CSR Ready

SMEs have an undisputed significance in driving Europe’s economic growth, accounting for 85% of new jobs and 66% of private sector employment. However, this economic importance is also reflected in Europe’s ecological and social footprint – unfortunately however with less positive indicators. According to current research on CSR, it is still an area that many […]

DETOUR is an Erasmus+ working to upskill VET educators and Tourism SME’s about the potential of wellbeing tourism, an emerging European Tourism Megatrend which can increase their competitiveness, inspire new wellbeing tourism products/services and develop even stronger unique value propositions. It is clear that wellbeing tourism is an expanding niche market globally, providing specific business […]
Digital Wellbeing Educators

Digital communications, smartphones and social media have transformed the way students and young people communicate and increasing evidence shows the benefits to learning outcomes when digital pedagogic strategies are used effectively. However, it is increasingly evident that the online space is not benign: peer pressure, cyber-bullying, oversharing of personal information can all cause significant problems, […]